Getting Acquainted

Laura and I spent our first weekend just poking around to get to know the layout and condition.  We washed off the layers of harmatan dust and took the roof rack and ladder off. Spending time with an older vehicle that you have had no prior knowledge of or experience with is great fun.  This one must have been sitting for quite awhile because there is a great deal of dirt on it inside and out.  There is also lot of  loose pieces, old screws and bolts, cassete tape boxes, – in the battery box, in the glove box, under the seats. Incredibly, we actually found the original owners manual, still intact in its official Land Rover binder.  We also found a book of usage tracking showing everywhere the vehicle had been driven between 2004 and 2007.  I feel like an archeologist.

We cleaned the interior…..










and took the roof rack off as a first step to getting the body redone…..








There is a sheet of 5/8 inch plywood on the rack that may be as old as the vehicle, it is literally disintegrating.Nevertheless, our gardener and our guard were both standing by to take a piece home with them to support some project or other.

I took all the rear cargo bay bench seats out, I now have quite a pile of Land Rover debris in our carport.

Cargo Bay with the seats
Cargo Bay without the seats, this will be the focus for expedition storage systems